
60 週年誌


60歲生日的麻醉醫學會,理監事會特別邀請了簡志誠教授在麻醉雜誌社協助下,率領新生代的菁英籌組60周年慶委員會,並依這個團隊構思下蒐羅了各大醫院麻醉科親撰稿件、各大耆老親留影留音要做這個時代的麻醉見證。我們可以看到各個醫院努力地要在專業領域、品質安全、醫學教育、專科研究上要努力掙出一片天。相關功能委員會也寫下了歷史傳承的偉業,可以說學會能夠延續,正是因為熱心會員在學會各功能委員會中的無私奉獻與努力堅持,才能成其為學會。麻醉護理學會是我們的好朋友,她們當然不能在我們的生日缺席。我們也沒有忘記跟隨著我們一起成長的麻醉相關協力廠商,他們支持麻醉相關配備的提升與引進,也帶進儀器藥物新知,可以說少了這些好朋友,麻醉醫學會的成長會推遲一、二十年。60 周年慶的年會邀請世界麻醉醫學會總裁親臨指導,也邀請國際友我麻醉學會理事長前來祝賀, 希望他們也能刻印下永恆的賀詞。


2016 麻醉醫學會 謝宜哲

60th Anniversary
Letter of Gratitude

Western medicine has been adoppted in Taiwan for more than a hundred years. In 1910, Dr. David Landsborough began to use chloroform for general anesthesia at Changhua Christian Hospital. Our Society was founded by Dr. Li Kuang-Yi from National Taiwan University andfellow contemporaries in 1956. Our predecessors were highly dedicated to the profession of anesthesiology. History and records revealed that the presidents, directors, and supervisors of this Society strove towards expansion. Achievements include the creation of our own magazine, maintaining our global membership, establishing a permanent venue, creating a system of medical specialists, introducing professional training, developing clinical, and basic research programs, safeguarding the professional licensing and certification systems, improving safety and quality, and bringing in the latest professional training. When I first entered the field of anesthesiology, Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists had just celebrated its 30th birthday. Time passed by so soon and now we are celebrating its 60th anniversary today.

The board of directors and supervisors specifically invited Dr. Chien Chih-Cheng to organize the taskforce to celebrate the 60th birthday of the Society. With the support of the Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica and the new generation of leading professionals, the 60th Anniversary Committee collected publications from the department of anesthesiology of various major hospitals. Leading figures and elders also provided their photographs and voice recordings as a testimony for the history of anesthesiology. From these articles we could see that various hospitals are working so hard to support this profession, ensure safety and quality, provide medical education, and pursue professional research. Functional committees were also part of the great historical heritage of our Society. Selfless contributions and devotion on the part of passionate members in various functional committees allowed the Society to prosper and grow. Taiwan Association of Nurse Anesthetists (TANA) is also a close friend and an integral part for our birthday celebrations. Then there are also suppliers of products related to the practice of anesthetics who grew side-by-side with us. These suppliers improved and introduced relevant tools as well as new information on the latest instruments and drugs. Without their help, the growth of this Society would be delayed for at least 10 to 20 years. For our 60th Anniversary, we have specifically invited the President of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) as well as presidents and directors of anesthesiology societies around the world to celebrate this occasion with us. We can look forward to their official letters commemorating this event.

Anesthesiologists are often silent works in the operating theater, caring for the lives of each patient. After the hard work of the60th Anniversary Committee we accomplish this 60th Anniversary Special Edition. This publication shall serve as a time capsule, providing all dedicated anesthesiologists with a historical moment to remember by. In another 60 years’ time, the future generation of anesthesiologists would read this Special Edition and appreciate the contributions made by our generation.

Hsieh, Yi-Jer M.D.
President, Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists.


2016台灣麻醉醫學會年會暨國際學術研討會 - 承先啟後,繼往開來,麻醉一甲子
(The 60thAnnual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists and The International Conference on “Inherit the past and Prepare for the future, 60th anniversary of anesthesia” in Taiwan, 2016)

麻醉醫師是沉睡中手術病患的守護神。進入20世紀,麻醉也從外科的附屬掙脫而出成為獨立的專業。外科學卻也因為麻醉的進步而有了日新月異的突破。麻醉醫師除了具備手術室中麻醉的專業,也是重症加護、疼痛處理的專家。進入21世紀, 麻醉醫師更要走出開刀房,舉凡鏡檢鎮靜、牙科舒眠、影像醫學侵襲治療、生殖研究取卵、術前訪視,都需要麻醉醫師的參與。但是隨著人口結構的老化,重病手術比率卻也激增,開心、換肝、複雜的腫瘤根除、以及多重器官老化後卻仍須手術麻醉的病患屢見不鮮。可以說病症光譜的極重與極輕成了主流,麻醉醫師面臨的挑戰因而更加劇烈。


顫巍巍,台灣麻醉醫學會也已走過一甲子。回首前路,前輩篳路藍縷、披荊斬棘,終於開創了今日小康的格局。而吾輩小子又重新站在歷史的一個新轉折點,有感於此,本次麻醉年會特以” 承先啟後,繼往開來,麻醉一甲子”為題,特別邀請世界麻醉醫學會總裁親臨指導,也邀請中日韓麻醉學會理事長前來祝賀並闡述各國麻醉現況與難題,也聘請歐美多國講者前來演講、主持工作坊,還有國內麻醉相關專家,法律、倫理等各領域學者指導我們麻醉同仁,以能夠號召所有會員一起努力關注台灣麻醉的進步、一起聚合提升台灣病患圍手術期照護水準。

多國專家共同祝賀台灣麻醉醫學會的60 歲生日,精采可期。即將邁入花甲的麻醉醫學會在本次年會中因為大家的努力參與贏取新生,將會決定下一個甲子的生命與意義。




Hello my friend:

I am really excited to receive this invitation but am not sure it is possible for me to get there
Firstly you should know that I will no longer be the WFSA President at that time as I will have handed over that role to someone else in Hong Kong on September 1st
Secondly I will be coming back from Australia at that time where I will have been visiting my daughter and her family and I am just seeing if it is possible to change my flights or not
I am so grateful for your invitation but would fully understand if you wish to have the new President instead!

Kind regards



Dear Dr. Wilkinson:

Thank you for your rapid response. We do know that your term is Seprtember 1st, but it's hard for us to predict who will be the next President. And since 60th anniversery is so important for us, we need time prepare for it, so we decide to invite you first. If there is any information about who will be the new President, we would also invite him together. Please book your time for us. We would have formal invitation letter later for you.

Sincerely yours

Yi-Jer Hsieh


You are very kind Yi-Jer Hsieh

I will attend for sure. I will be there in time for the dinner as well as for the meeting itself
I would be honoured to speak, if there is an opportunity during the Congress, about the WFSA
I will inform my successor about the possibility of attending the meeting as soon as we know who that will be
My very best regards to you all
I am still very conscious of the appalling effects of your recent earthquake and trust that you are making good progress in the recovery from this. The pictures of the fallen tower block were on our news broadcasts for many days but I know that the after effects take a much longer time for recovery. You remain in our thoughts for this

Kind regards

David J Wilkinson,
President, WFSA


Dear Dr. Wilkinson

Thank you very much again for accepting our invitation and the help that you'll give in the future. The topic and schedule about your talk will be mailed to you maybe in June after thorough arrangement of our Congress taskforce.
Thank you also for your care of our earthquake. I know the pictures on TV is so terrible. In fact, most of the victims (114 persons) came from the same collapsed building, mainly because of its weak structure constructed 20 years ago. There were also 10 more buildings collapsed at the same time but, thanks god, there were only 2 more victims because the earthquake occurred in the early morning, when no persons woked inside. We met another 10 times bigger earthquake 15 years ago in central Taiwan, so we have the ability and experience to reconstruct this country. May the victims rest in peace. And we know you all will be with us.

Sincerely yours





告別了辛苦的羊年, 我們學會就要邁入金猴獻桃的60周年。首先要報告的喜事是經過理監事會、功能委員會與秘書處的共同努力,我們終於扭轉之前連二年虧損的財務窘迫,獲得了空前的盈餘,還填補了前二年的赤字。展望來年,去年努力向政府申請的補助如雜誌社、辦理年會、專科訓練醫院評鑑等增額補助會在今年一一進帳,較之前基期會多出約 110萬,這讓我們會對新年度財務也較有把握。

當然面臨學會60周年,我們心中也不再只想著盈餘,而是植基於去年的成就,充滿自信面對未來。理監事與年會主辦單位林志中教授希望60 周年年會辦理可以提升學術、也可以放眼國際,因此會邀請多位歐美教授授課、參與workshop 指導,也希望可以邀請鄰近東北亞、東南亞乃至於世界麻醉學會領導人前來台灣共同祝賀。60 周年慶籌備會主委簡志誠教授也會開展籌備工作,希望有全國訓練醫院、全體會員參與,寫下世界各地的祝福,寫下各醫院的過去、現在與未來,也寫下我們全體會員這一年共同慶祝的時刻。

隨著新政府上台,學會是否面臨更嚴峻的挑戰、或是掌握更大的機會? 這有賴於理監事會前瞻的應對,也有賴於全體會員的共同奉獻。想到猴年,想到60周年,你會想到什麼? 我想到西遊記裡無憂無慮的猴子,「山中無甲子、寒盡不知年」。 但是學會不可無憂無愁,只有兢兢業業惕勵來茲。唯望寒冬已過、你我共創新紀元。特誌 「麻醉一甲子 寒盡是新年」


WFSA ketamine campaign help

The WFSA will launch an awareness campaign this week to allow anaesthesiologists to voice their opinions on the subject. We have created a Resource Hub where people can find out more information and share their views.

As the Taiwan society were one of our strongest voices during our SAFETY campaign on World Anaesthesia Day, I hoped you could share this email with your members and ask them to participate in:

  1. The social media campaign, by printing this banner, take a photograph of themselves and their location, and upload it onto Facebook/Twitter on Tuesday 1st/Wednesday 2nd December with the hashtag #KetamineIsMedicine
  2. Visit the Get Involved page of our website and sharing their thoughts on ketamine for our map (in their native language or in English)
Please let me know if you have any questions about the campaign.

Very best wishes,

Niki O'Brien
Communications Officer
Dear O'Brien:

At last, I decide to discuss it from the viewpoint of humanity. We ever needed this drug so much when we were poor. I believe there should be a great many people still need ketamine to have a safe surgery in this world. I need to make a decision weighing between the poor world people’s right to live and saving rich world teenager for their psychological dependence. I don’t think the UN has the right to schedule it.

Sincerely yours
Yi-Jer Hsieh, M.D.
President, Taiwan society of Anesthesiologists

Dear Dr Yi-Jer,

Thank you for taking the time to do this. We understand that in countries where illegal use of ketamine is more common it will be harder to come to a majority decision on whether limiting access medically is the right thing to do. I wonder if you might be able to take ouronline survey about ketamine use in Taiwan? It is very helpful to get data from countries who don't use it commonly.

Very best wishes

WFSA & World Anaesthesia Day

Dear O'Brien:

Thank you for sharing the good news to us. In fact, this is the first time we heard about this activity, so we deem it as emergency and has done the following tasks in only one day:

1. We transfer your letter to our every member, our government, and Parliament.
2. We put the Banner and Campaign toolkit on our Society home page.
3. We ask our main training hospital to have photographs with the banner as soon as possible.
4. Our president has already signed the G4 alliance online petition.
5. And we will begin to write the letter to our government and newspaper.

Attached please find the pictures we have got now. And thank you again to have our society participating this meaningful activity.

I've passed your email to our colleagues in our board, and I also put your letter on our society homepage and announce it.

In fact, it’s hard for me to make this decision. We used ketamine broadly about 30 years ago when we were still a poor country. Nowadays, ketamine is rarely used in our daily practice due to its psychomimetic effect. On the other way, ketamine became an abuse problem in our teenagers, and our government already scheduled this drug.

Sincerely yours
Yi-Jer Hsieh, M.D.
President, Taiwan society of Anesthesiologists

Dear Dr Yi-Jer,

Thank you for these photos, they look great and we have posted them on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1062816830395310.1073741833.375423462467987&type=3).

I am very pleased the Taiwan Society has become so involved, it really is wonderful to see societies at such great distances from one another working together.

I will keep you up to date with future campaign plans and other WFSA activities and it would be wonderful if you could also share the Taiwan Societies activities with me.

Niki O'Brien
Communications Officer

2015 麻醉年會賀辭


很高興我們在10月相聚。為了這一次盛會,理監事會與秘書處作了前所未見的大動員。 今年的年會不同與以往,僅只將活動撥交一家醫院,然後就學會就撒手旁觀;而是從決定地點、送出計畫書給科技部、學術組織、節目安排、講者與座長挑選、logo 選取、攤商選定、晚宴地點與節目,都是由理監事會與秘書處共同集思廣益來完成。










打開麻醉醫學會網站麻醉大世紀網頁,我們可以看到高醫麻醉科在麻醉界卓然又獨特的歷史地位。民國53年高醫已經在推廣「硬脊膜外麻醉法」,而遲至民國70年代,我擔任住院醫師的年代,北部某些醫院可能還不嫻熟這項技術。民國56年高雄醫學院附設醫院成立台灣第一所疼痛科門診、民國78年(1989)曾清楷教授又帶領大家成立中華民國疼痛醫學會。最近我翻閱麻醉醫學會30年會史,也可以看到固定會址創建過程,高醫麻醉科最為熱心,捐款又募捐。高醫麻醉科也一直是南台灣麻醉專科醫師養成重鎮, 近20年間,無數專科醫師從這裡養成蔚為國用。

轉眼間,高醫麻醉科在程主任帶領下就要歡度50歲生日,我衷心相信高醫麻醉科依然會是麻醉醫學會未來事功最堅實的支柱,麻醉新領域拓展的尖兵,也會是麻醉學研究的泰斗。50年前曾教授一人篳路藍縷,50 年後高醫麻醉人才濟濟蔚而成林。

   「歷史的巨人 麻醉的長城」



衡諸當前,學會橫亙著第一個挑戰是財務結構不健全。接連二年的虧損在本屆若不加以改善,過兩年麻醉醫學會一甲子我們會成為希臘第二。在這裡我們還是要感激廖文進理事長103年在童綜合辦理年會,讓學會有極大的進帳勉強讓本年度虧損縮小。新成立的理監事會,要隨時把財務平衡放在心上,要接受前任財務長的建議規劃,著手收取學分認證費用,也會將年會主導權模仿國內其他學會收回由學會主辦, 希望能夠較穩定掌控收入。學會要平衡財務時,並不意味著我們要縮減服務,縮小規模。我們什麼事都不做,什麼會都不要開,什麼網站都不要維護,什麼雜誌都不辦,不吃不喝,兩年不但可以平衡,還可以有大筆盈餘。但是我們的會員不會要這樣一個沒有功能的殭尸學會。可以想見學術討論會依然要召開,OSCE 依然要辦理, 學員依然要招收,會員專業依然需要關心與服務,一樣都不能少。不但不能少,還要更廣更深更好。要做到這樣,唯有會員更多投入,訓練醫院更多奉獻才可以辦到。而要喚起會員投入,也要學會有更高能見度,透明度,貢獻力來獲得認同。當會員體認到我們窮盡各式努力積累每一分財源,也盡力做到滿足會員的服務,未來要發揮學會更大的功能,會員會樂意接受提高年費的提議,我們可以將這樣一個案子送入會員大會。

本屆功能委員會名稱盡量回歸章程,有些章程有規定的委員會,我們將之恢復,例如研究發展推廣委員會。有些委員會我們可以賦予新時代的意義,例如地域功能委員會,我希望分區聘請副主委,給予類似縣市首長的地位,作為學會伸展到地方的觸角,發揮會員扶助,法律服務,學術自治的功能。章程若與現實有杆格,我們要請法規委員會著手開始研修,會員大會時我們就送請大會通過修訂。功能委員會主委幾乎全數翻轉,希望大家都以全新觀點來看待,賦予新的服務能量。未出任主委之理監事,其實可以假想是不管部會之政務委員,隨時就關心之專長,提供意見給秘書處及功能委員會。為了提高各位對學會日常運作有參與, 我希望每個月召開一次理監事會,由常務理監事及政策委員會主委一起集會,通知會公告給大家,歡迎自由列席參加。所有功能委員會請主委著手籌組,學會雜誌主編何教授請辭,我們等一會也要送請理監事同意未來五年新任主編由孫維仁教授接任。

我來自的醫院強調“共好”,希望醫院,同工,病患大家一起好。我也希望學會共好, 我們彼此有一點小小犧牲與奉獻,可以讓會員,醫院麻醉部門一起好, 也可以謀取病患與社會國家更多福祉。

台灣麻醉醫學會 理事長
理事長謝宜哲簽名檔 (摘自2014-11-26理監事聯席會談話)