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WFSA & World Anaesthesia Day頃接獲世麻來信,10/16為世界麻醉日,麻醉醫學會後續將舉辦相關活動,持續關注台灣麻醉安全



       台灣麻醉醫學會 理事長  謝宜哲


It's World Anaesthesia Day this Friday 16th October. To celebrate the WFSA will launch SAFETY: Safe Anaesthesia For Everybody - TodaY, a campaign raising awareness about the importance of safe anaesthesia and surgical care.














There are 5 billion people in the world today who do not have access to safe and affordable anaesthesia and surgery when needed. Safety is a vital part of strengthening anaesthesia and surgical care - access on its own is not enough given the huge impact of unsafe surgery on individuals, communities and societies.

With this in mind, the WFSA will be promoting safe anaesthesia on social media. We are asking our Member Societies to share this information with their members.


We hope that hundreds of anaesthesiologists around the world print the attached banner (also in the attached toolkit), write their location, take a photograph and post it on social media. 

We will follow the hashtags #WorldAnaesthesiaDay and #SAFETY as anaesthesia practitioners unite around the world! You can find us on Facebook (facebook.com/wfsaorg) and Twitter (twitter.com/wfsaorg).











